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The Writing Rose

Romance fiction in most genres are my favourite reads. Having travelled a fair bit in my misspent years, I'm now a solo-mum to a VERY energetic and adventurous little one and I've turned my spare time into reliving some past travel adventures and expanding on them to write entertaining (hopefully) works of fiction. Maybe they'll be published, maybe not. Either way I'm enjoying where my imagination can take me.

Honeymoon for One

Honeymoon for One - Beth Orsoff Honeymoon for One by Beth Orsoff and narrated by Emily Beresford
audiobook review


Freelance journalist Lizzie Mancini was looking forward to her honeymoon at the Blue Bay Beach Resort, but sadly her fiancé broke off their wedding plans the day before. Angry and confused she decides to go on her holiday anyway and along the way meets Michael Garcia, a handsome antique dealer (or so he says). On the plane they decide to pretend to be a married couple (no strings or sex attached) for the sake of appearances as they both have a need to appear to be in a couple.

Unfortunately after a few days of role playing Michael is found murdered and Lizzie, his Mrs, is their first and only suspect. She scrambles to clear her name and battles international intrigue and unexpected romance as she looks for the truth.

[bc:Honeymoon for One|15035905|Honeymoon for One|Beth Orsoff|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1356060059s/15035905.jpg|13488493]


I instantly loved the voice and annotation of the narrator, Emily Beresford, as she drew me into the story. Beth Orsoff has written an intriguing and exciting novel. I usually like my stories a lot spicier and this is not that type of story, but I found I couldn't stop listening. I just had to find out what would happen next.

Initially I thought it would be a very predictable plot, and some parts were, but I soon found that the twists and turns and unexpected events kept me wondering what Lizzie's next step would be. For instance, in todays' travel world you don't let a stranger carry your bag for you, no matter how handsome. You don't give that same stranger a key to your room while pretending to be married (he was staying at another hotel because of the no strings, no sex rule).

However, Lizzie gave him all this access and then wondered why she ended up as a murder suspect. However, even though I wouldn't be that trusting in real life, this isn't real life. It's a story and a very entertaining one too.

The conversations flowed easily and I really enjoyed this book. It was easy to listen to, entertaining and intriguing.


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